Freitag, 24. Mai 2013

Việt Nam hiện đang có đầy đủ các thành tố của một cuộc SUY SỤP KINH TẾ

"Tiểu thương lao đao vì sức mua thoi thóp":

Định nghĩa suy sụp kinh tế:

"In economics, a depression is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies. It is a more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by some economists as part of the modern business cycle.

Considered by some economists to be a rare and extreme form of recession, a depression is characterized by its length; by abnormally large increases in unemployment; falls in the availability of credit, often due to some kind of banking or financial crisis; shrinking output as buyers dry up and suppliers cut back on production and investment; large number of bankruptcies including sovereign debt defaults; significantly reduced amounts of trade and commerce, especially international; as well as highly volatile relative currency value fluctuations, most often due to devaluations. Price deflation, financial crises and bank failures are also common elements of a depression that are not normally a part of a recession...."

 Như vậy còn chưa tuyên bố "Khủng hoảng Kinh tế" thì còn đợi chừng nào?

Trích dẫn từ bài viết của Dr_Tran Xem Bài
Định nghĩa suy sụp kinh tế:

"In economics, a depression is a sustained, long-term downturn in economic activity in one or more economies. It is a more severe downturn than a recession, which is seen by some economists as part of the modern business cycle.

Considered by some economists to be a rare and extreme form of recession, a depression is characterized by its length; by abnormally large increases in unemployment; falls in the availability of credit, often due to some kind of banking or financial crisis; shrinking output as buyers dry up and suppliers cut back on production and investment; large number of bankruptcies including sovereign debt defaults; significantly reduced amounts of trade and commerce, especially international; as well as highly volatile relative currency value fluctuations, most often due to devaluations. Price deflation, financial crises and bank failures are also common elements of a depression that are not normally a part of a recession...."
Không điểm nào VN chưa "đạt", chỉ còn quỵt nợ quốc gia (chỉ do in tiền ra trả nợ cũ, nếu không cũng đã phải quỵt trái phiếu).

1. Thời gian kéo dài: từ 2008 đến nay. Giảm tổng quát, giảm toàn bộ, giảm khắp nước:

2. Tăng mức thất nghiệp một cách không bình thường:

3. Giảm tín dụng cho vay (ngân hàng dư tiền, không cho vay):

4. Khủng hoảng ngân hàng và tài chánh:

5. Giảm sản lượng hàng hóa và dịch vụ do sức mua sụt giảm và nguồn cung cấp giảm sản xuất và đầu tư:

6. Tăng phá sản:

7. Khối lượng mua bán sụt giảm mạnh:

8. Giảm giá hàng hóa:

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